Individual lesson 50 min / 50 euros
Monthly: 4 x 50 min / 130 euros
Package: 4 sessions, open schedule / 170 euros
1:1 - DISCOUNT for high school and university students with proof:
Individual lesson 50 min / 35 euros
Monthly: 4 x 50 min / 100 euros
Package: 4 sessions, open schedule / 150 euros
Individual lesson 50 min / 70 euros
Monthly: 4 x 50 min / 200 euros
Package: 4 sessions, open schedule / 260 euros
Individual lesson 60 min up to 5 people / 100 euros
Individual lesson 60 min up to 10 people / 150 euros
LARGER GROUPS of more than 10 people, time, place, and payment to be arranged.
MUSIC AND PLAY: music workshop for babies and parents
3-month attendance / 120 euros
Monthly: 4 sessions / 50 euros
Single attendance / 15 euros
Price applies to one parent and one child. Maximum number is 10 people.
GRLENICE: folk choir singing workshops
3-month attendance / 120 euros
Monthly: 4 sessions / 50 euros
Single attendance / 15 euros
One workshop with Grlenice lasts 2 hours, sometimes more before performances.
ZOOM WORKSHOPS - YOGA for singers 45 min
By arrangement
ZOOM WORKSHOPS - folk singing 2 hours
By arrangement